







起因菌は口腔内の常在菌や嫌気性菌が多く、東南アジアではBurkholdelia pseudomalleliというメリオイドーシスの原因菌によっても、肺膿瘍は起こります。

Empiric therapyは上記の原因菌をカバーするものとして、ABPC/SBTやカルバペネム系を推奨されており、ペニシリンアレルギーがある患者の場合はクリンダマイシンも良い選択肢の一つとなります。



Up to dateだと下記のように記載されており、特に傾向へのスイッチは記載されておりません。

Duration and switch to oral therapy — The duration of therapy is controversial. Some treat for three weeks as a standard and others treat based upon the response. Our practice is to continue antibiotic treatment until the chest radiograph shows a small, stable residual lesion or is clear. This generally requires several months of treatment, most of which can be accomplished with an oral regimen on an outpatient basis. Appropriate oral regimens will depend upon the infecting pathogen. For patients with a mixed anaerobic and streptococcal infection, amoxicillin-clavulanate is an appropriate regimen [56], but the choice of regimen should be guided by susceptibility results when available.

There has also been interest in using moxifloxacin because early studies showed good in vitro activity against anaerobes, and a small trial has shown benefit for aspiration pneumonia and primary lung abscess [57]. However, moxifloxacin has not been studied adequately to recommend it as a first-line agent for lung abscess, and the rate of resistance of anaerobes to this drug is increasing [58].

The rationale for extended treatment is the anecdotal experience with five patients who relapsed after therapy was discontinued despite receipt of antibiotics for more than eight weeks [59].





The duration of antibiotics therapy depends on the clinical and radiographic response of the patient. Antibiotics therapy should last at least until fever, putrid sputum and abscess fluid have resolved, usually between 5-21 days for intravenous application of antibiotics and then per oral application, in total from 28 to 48 days () with periodically radiographic and laboratory controls. Effects of antibiotic therapy on radiographic finding of lung abscess (Figure 7A-C).



